For Siyeon…
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Words can’t describe how much i love you and cheer for you! i just want to say how proud i feel when i see you sing and how your voice is a source of healing not just for me but for so many insomnias!! health is something that comes first always so truly take your time and there is no need to rush things up we will stay by your side no matter what and we will keep loving everything that you are ♡
– Insomnia, Brazil
Our precious Siyeon! Take all the time you want Somnias will always be by your side no matter what. Your health and well being is above allmSecond by second, minute by minute,day by day it definitely will get better. Love you. I’m so proud of you❤️
– Insomnia, India
Siyeon! Take all the time you need. Eat good food, have good rest… Everything! You are always in my dreams no matter what and we will always love you <3 Saranghae~
– Insomnia, Indonesia
Dear Siyeon,
I attended two concerts in Europe. Seeing Dreamcatcher on stage was beautiful. You were shining on stage, dancing amazingly and listening to you sing made me happy and emotional. I love you and your voice so much! Thank you for being who you are and for working hard. I think you are strong and inspiring. I’m so proud of you! Please take care of yourself, eat well, sleep well. 사랑해요
– Insomnia, Italy
Hello! I just wanted to say that you have always been my inspiration, more specifically, in music. You make me want to keep on playing music over and over again, and I hope you are doing well. Health comes first, so Please make sure to take care of yourself. We will always be there. We are always with you. Take care of yourself and make sure to get allll the rest you need♡
– Insomnia, Lebanon
We love you so much Siyeon! Take all the much needed time to rest and feel better! I look forward to seeing you again when you’re feeling up to it.
– Insomnia, USA
Good day, Siyeon!
First off, thanks for working so hard for us! Your work with Dreamcatcher helped me deal with intense prep for uni finals and professional licensing!
Pls rest up bc you deserve to be happy and healthy!
– Insomnia, USA
Hey Siyeon,
I hope you are resting well! The comeback is incredible, thank you for your hard work. The decision to sit out promotions was probably not easy, and we are proud of you for prioritizing your health. Please take all the time you need, and once you are ready, we will welcome you back to the stage with open arms. Until then, I am sending you all the love my heart can hold. Big hugs!
– Jessie, Belgium
Siyeon, I admire how hard you’ve been working over the years. Even through a screen, I always feel your passion & love for performing. At my first DC concert, I teared up in joy whenever you sang. Thank you for inspiring me to never give up on my dreams. I’m glad you are getting well-deserved rest, take as much time as you need. Looking forward to seeing you again, whenever you’re ready ♡
– Kae, USA
My dear Singnie, I love you so much!
I’m very proud of you, your voice sounds amazing in Virtuous, especially in Justice! You’re so talented! Please take all the time you need to rest, we’ll be by your side forever ♡. My pretty rockstar, you are the best!
– LAYS, Brazil
Siyeon, we all want you to take your time and rest. We are hoping you overcome your hardships easily! Insomnias are waiting on your return with a lot of excitement! Please stay healthy and happy while you take a break!
– Leah, USA
Olá, my precious Sisi! How have you been? I hope you’re feeling better, my sweet Angel, and alien haha. I wish you could know how big is our love for your, and we will wait for you for how long you will need!
Thanks for always being this precious creature in our lifes, you deserve all the universe of love!
Please take care and rest well!! See u for the first time in few months! Te amo neném! ♡
– Lilian, Brasil
Hi Siyeon, hope you are well. We fans miss you, it’s not the same without you, the other group members also miss you very much. Take as much time as you need, don’t worry about the fans, your health comes first. When you are ready to come back we will welcome you with open arms as always. Get well soon and lots of encouragement, I love you very much Siyeon, I wish you all the best ❤️
– Lorena, Spain
Siyeon noona, we like to see confidence and the happy side of you on stage so please get well soon!
We will always be with you 🙂
– Louis Genio, Indonesia
We love you Siyeon! Take all the time you need to feel better!
– Luna, USA
Siyeon, i know you’ve been worked hard lately
and those Justice make me realize you gave us the best you could to bring dreamcatcher alive
you’re my inspiration to keeping me alive, your solo song also a big hit and be a part of my heart
i hope you can read this and many other massage from insomnia all around the world
keep it up, and hope you healthy, happy and always by our side
– Miramendes, Indonesia
싱니! 안녕하세요! 아만다라고 합니다! 반말로 할게요 외국인라서 존댓말은 어렵기 때문에! 잘 쉬어야 되고 밥도 잘 먹어야 되고 잘 자야 돼요! ㅇㅋ!? 싱니 기다릴게요!!! 너무 너무 너무 보고 싶지만 싱니의 건강을 더 소중해요! 그래서, 건강해 주세요!! 준비될 때 인썸냐랑 말을 해야 되어요! ㅇㅋ? 기다릴게용! 싱니 너무 너무 너무 사랑해여~~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
– Nanda, Brazil
Hi, Siyeon !
You’re truly the best, if not one of, vocalist I have ever found in my life. You’re so unique and very very loveable! You’re cute yet very charismatic!
I hope you’re resting well and getting better now. No matter how long, we will be waiting for you. So please take all the time you want and need, and come back when you’re really ready. I love you so much ♡!
– NFH, Malaysia
Hola Siyeon!
I fell in love with Dreamcatcher through your voice and your cheerful personality. I want you to take all the time you need to recover, mental health is the most important thing. No matter how long, we will always be here waiting to sing with you again. Fighting!
– Nuria, Spain
Siyeon, rest well and come back 100% healthy as soon as you’re ready. Insomnias will patiently wait for you no matter how long it’ll take.
Always when i listen to your incredibly beautiful voice, i immediately feel better and motivated to do something again.
We will support you and the members forever no matter what.
We love you soo soo much and hope you’ll soon feel better.❤️
– Phyllis , Switzerland
